domingo, octubre 11, 2009

Viendo una peli en el common room

Estaba con Andrei y Dan (Rumania) viendo Powaqquatsi, una película de Francis Ford Coppola. Entraba y salía gente, algunos se quedaban, y luego de un rato se iban.
En un momento aparece una escena con un cartel que dice "Viva la guerra de guerrillas", y Andrei dice lo siguiente:
(Andrei): How do you say that? "Guerrilia"? [porque habla un poco de castellano]
(yo): No, it's more like "Guerriya".
(chica de Bielorusia): What does "Guerrilla" mean?
(yo): Eeeeerrr... you know when people from society, normal people, take arms and start fighting... like... when there's a civil war, or a... How do you say in English "Golpe de Estado"?
(Andrei): Coup d'Etat.
(yo): Wow, there's not even a word in English for that.
(Dan): Well, english people have not actually gone trough something like that.
(yo): It must say a lot of a culture the fact that they can't name something like that. Is there a word in rumanian for coup d'Etat?
(Andrei): Yes! Revolution! ajajajajaja
(Dan): Yes, it's lovitură de stat

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